Sunday, December 9, 2007

Yay Leapfrog!

Some of you know I worked at Leapfrog a few years ago. When I was there they came out with a video called the Letter Factory. Well, after 1 week of owning it and probably 5 views, this was my conversation with Noah a few minutes ago.

Hey Noah,
what does the letter A say? Ah
what does the letter B say? Buh
what does the letter D say? Duh
what does the letter M say? Muh
what does the letter S say? Ssss
what does the letter O say? Ooo
what does the letter P say? Puh

He knew a couple of these already but I thought it was just amazing!

1 comment:

Kellyry said...

I'm all for educational videos. Go Noah!