Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I love this kid.

Can you blame him? It's U2. Do you also notice he is rocking something new on his face? Yep, Noah has glasses!


Danaly said...

Oh, I'm dying laughing here! I needed that. Thank You Noah! Love the glasses. Are they red?

Kori's House said...

Lookin' good Noah!!
Is Faith really standing still with a dance party going on :)

Anonymous said...

so cute!! I saw this online and thought of you guys, its just shaving cream and food coloring for painting in the bathtub! Such a fun idea! Here's a picture!


Kim said...

Danaly, glasses are dark blue in the pic, but we exchanged them for black now :) Kori, that is so funny you say that because Faith is usually the one getting her groove on LOL She must have been really focusing on some sand :) And thank you Lindsey!!! I will definitely try that!!!!!!