Friday, December 2, 2011


The magic of Christmas has arrived in the form of an unbreakable(ish) snow globe.

The jeep that God blessed Darren with at JUST THE RIGHT TIME.

The money that we saved up to BUY the Jeep that God blessed Darren with - thank you Dave Ramsey for teaching us about not being in debt!!

This is what a cool mom looks like I guess - I used the kids' alien goop to blow huge bubbles and they must have told me they loved me 10 times - they loved it!

Hmmmm, good thing my kids have colorful vitamins, because it appears they are in a bland and beige phase!

Making an under the sea mural for homeschooling lesson on Octopus!

My perfectly organized box of very small craft supplies... that I tipped upside down :(

Attacking not 1, not 2, but THREE junk drawers. YIKES!

life rearranged


Jodi@ said...

My junk drawers are always getting junked back up... minutes after I organize them! :o)

Yay for Dave Ramsey! I really need to get on that envelope system!

Danaly said...

I'm officially addicted to the Rogers Instafriday posts! My kids are still loving the unbreakable snow globe you got them last year. Love you!!