Noah read 100 books this summer (either he read them or we read them) - so he earned a medal form the local library, and he gets to meet the mayor and be on local TV! I am so proud of this guy.
Painting in the street
Blue eyes :)
This is what mom/son time looks like - mom building and rebuilding various lego Star Wars vehicles.
Noah and Faith asked for orange hair - let's just say I earned a "you're the best mom ever!"
I borrowed Faith's sparkly bear to use as a keychain so I wouldn't lose Darren's keys. It worked! But she will only let me use it when she is coming with me somewhere.
Noah and Daddy took a trip up north and when they got on the plane to return, Noah was invited into the cockpit and allowed to greet the passengers on the radio :) He is the only kid I've ever seen that happen to - and it has happened TWICE.
I'm growing a watermelon! A few actually!
The other morning Darren heard some noises and went out to find 5 turkeys hanging out on our roof!
I was working on something downstairs for a few minutes and heard the kids upstairs, went up to find both of them in my bedroom in their BIGWHEELS??!! Never a dull moment.
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